Spin Welding

[ultimate_heading main_heading=”Spin Welding of Thermoplastics” main_heading_color=”#464646″ main_heading_font_family=”font_family:Open Sans Condensed|font_call:Open+Sans+Condensed|variant:700″ main_heading_style=”font-weight:700;” main_heading_font_size=”desktop:42px;”]Our patented spin welding technology achieves stronger, more durable welds.[/ultimate_heading]
Spin Welder | Trinetics Group

What is Spin Welding?

Spin Welding is a process for joining thermoplastics that utilizes heat from friction to create a molecular bond between two surfaces.

Trinetics Group holds patents for foundational spin welding technology. Our custom built equipment has extremely precise control including the ability to start and stop a weld in milliseconds.

Our equipment produces welds that are far superior to those made by traditional inertial or continuous welders. This is due to the fact that we can precisely stop our equipment at a degree level of accuracy.

[ultimate_heading main_heading=”Spin Welding Capabilities” main_heading_color=”#464646″ sub_heading_color=”#464646″ main_heading_font_family=”font_family:Open Sans Condensed|font_call:Open+Sans+Condensed|variant:700″ main_heading_style=”font-weight:700;” main_heading_font_size=”desktop:24px;” sub_heading_font_family=”font_family:Open Sans Condensed|font_call:Open+Sans+Condensed” sub_heading_font_size=”desktop:18px;”]We provide spin welding services to many industries and can accommodate parts of varying sizes.[/ultimate_heading]

Small Part Sizes

Series 7000 Power Orientation Welder can be controlled up to a thousandth of an inch allowing for the spin welding of small, fragile parts.

The key to a good spin weld is precise orientation and spin control. Our patented technology is built into the Series 7000 spin welder which can be adjusted with extreme precision and can start and stop in milliseconds.

Infrared Welding of Plastics - Small Parts

Large Part Sizes

The Series 7000 Spin Welder is powerful enough for large parts and difficult to weld materials.

We can spin weld plastic parts of various sizes and materials thanks to carefully calculated gear ratios in our equipment. Fully HMI controllable, this machine can weld a large variety of plastics with precision and accuracy.

Trinetics Group engineers are experts in infrared welding of large plastic parts.
[ultimate_heading main_heading=”Contract Spin Welding Services” main_heading_color=”#464646″ sub_heading_color=”#464646″ main_heading_font_family=”font_family:Open Sans Condensed|font_call:Open+Sans+Condensed|variant:700″ main_heading_style=”font-weight:700;” main_heading_font_size=”desktop:24px;” sub_heading_font_family=”font_family:Open Sans Condensed|font_call:Open+Sans+Condensed” sub_heading_font_size=”desktop:18px;”]We provide assembly and spin welding services to our customers as a turn-key manufacturing partner.[/ultimate_heading]

Process and Tooling Built to Suit Your Needs

Our design and engineering teams can build custom spin welding tooling and processes to suit your product. 

Our goal is to be a turn-key manufacturing service to our customers. We will work with your team on spin welding joint design, creating fixtures and tooling, and setting up procedures for manufacturing. We have extensive assembly experience and can handle all the steps of creating your product.

Infrared Welding | Trinetics Group is a Plastic Welding Solutions Company